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Selectmen's Minutes 06/20/2012

Minutes of Meeting – June 20, 2012; meeting called to order at 6:30pm.  Present:  J McNinch; K Fowler; E Lane.  Absent:  C Gibson and D Roche.

The Board held a joint meeting with the Board of Assessors to appoint a member to replace Joe Kellogg who resigned.  Frederick Keator was the only applicant for this opening.  By roll call vote, the Boards voted as follows:  JM, Frederick Keator, KF, Frederick Keator, EL, Frederick Keator, Scott Pignatelli, Frederick Keator and Jim Sorrentino, Frederick Keator.  Scott Pignatelli reminder everyone that Mr. Keator will need to run for the office next May, and that he must complete the state assessors course within two years of taking office.  The Boards then briefly discussed the Senior Tax Work-off program, and whether or not individuals working for the Historical Society, Library and Chamber of Commerce are eligible for the program.  The Town is waiting for a formal response from the Department of Revenue.  The Assessors processed credits for six senior tax work-off participants which the Town will need to cover.  At 7:00pm, the Board continued with their regular meeting.  D. Roche present.

Citizen’s Open Forum:  None.

MOTION by DR, seconded by EL to accept the Minutes of June 6 as presented.  4/0 vote.

Verizon Public Hearing:  Albert Bessette from Verizon appeared before the Board, seeking permission to place three poles on East Dugway Road to provide mid-span support for the existing pole line and to provide for the distribution of intelligence and telecommunications and for the transmission of high and low voltage electric current.  It was noted that, unfortunately, the work has already been done, before this public hearing was requested.  However, no wires have been installed yet.  EL stated that this is not the first time work has been performed prior to permission, and that they need to tighten up their process so that this doesn’t happen again.  MOTION by JM, seconded by DR to grant permission for said installation as requested.  4/0 vote. (petition)

KF read a proposed resolution on the “Citizen’s United” and Corporate PACs.  MOTION by DR, seconded by EL to endorse a resolution that would reverse the decision in Citizen’s United that gave corporations much greater ability to influence the outcome of political campaigns.  4/0 vote. (resolution)

The Board discussed the revised guidelines for memorials.  DR stated that his concerns seemed to have been addressed in the revised draft.  MOTION by EL, seconded by DR to approve of the guidelines for memorials as amended.  4/0 vote. (draft guidelines)

MOTION by JM, seconded by EL to approve the DPW Union contract for FY13 as presented.  4/0 vote.  MOTION by EL, seconded by JM to approve the Fire Union contract for FY13 as presented.  4/0 vote.  MOTION by JM, seconded by EL to approve the Police Association contract for FY13 as presented.  4/0 vote. (contracts)

MOTION by JM, seconded by EL to appoint Claire Cantone as an alternate to the Historic District Commission.  4/0 vote.  MOTION by JM, seconded by EL to appoint Tom McCormack as a member of the Community Center Board.  4/0 vote.

The Board discussed the future direction and work of the Marketing and Events Committee.  DR stated that the car show went well, and he hopes that these types of events grow.  He would like to hold off any discussion, however, until Channing is present.  He feels that events are what the Town needs to bring in revenue.  KF feels they need to work with the existing venues in Town, and that this should be included in the 10-year plan.  Marketing Committee Chairman Kim Flynn reminded the Board that no one will be managing the Discover Lenox website come June 30.  Bob Romeo stated that not all anticipated results are happening, and that he feels that the Town needs to engage a professional person to assist in marketing.  JM stated that we need to market the entire Town, not segments.  DR feels that the Town needs a well-rounded, well-focused program.  Kim Flynn then stated that the Marketing and Events Committee is recommending the allocation of $2500 to the Josh Billings Runaground.  Patty Spector, director of the Josh Billings, stated that this funding could help her reach over two million people.  In addition, she could place links on her web site directing people to lodging and restaurants in town.  The Board agreed to hold a special meeting on 6/25 to vote on this request.

Brava Bar:  The Board discussed Whitney Asher’s request to amend his hours for serving food and drinks at his establishment.  MOTION by JM, seconded by DR to amend the hours on his W&M license from 8am-1am.  4/0 vote.  MOTION by JM, seconded by DR to amend the hours on his common victuallers license from 6am-1am.  4/0 vote.  MOTION by JM, seconded by DR to amend the hours on his entertainment license from 8am-1am.  4/0 vote. (letter)

Consent Agenda items:  MOTION by JM, seconded by DR to endorse a request to Mass DOT for a “blue sign” at the intersection of Route 7 & 20 and Walker Street only by Berkshire Country Day School.  4/0 vote.  MOTION by DR, seconded by EL to grant permission to Eastover for three directional signs to be erected on June 23 to advertise a car show that they will be hosting.  4/0 vote.  MOTION by EL, seconded by DR to grant a one-day W&M license for Ventfort Hall for 7/16 from 5-7pm and for 9/15 from 5pm-1am.  4/0 vote.  MOTION by DR, seconded by EL to grant a one-day A/A license for St. Ann Church for 7/13 from 5-9pm and for 7/14 from 11am-9pm.  4/0 vote.  MOTION by JM, seconded by EL to grant permission for a sandwich board sign for Matthew Tannenbaum d/b/a The Bookstore at 11 Housatonic Street.  4/0 vote.  DR suggested that the Board consider increasing the fee for one-day licenses, perhaps having one fee for non-profits and another for for-profits. (letter, applications)

Old/New Business:  DR congratulated KF for a successful car show.  EL thanked Lynn Sutton for beautifying the Town with flowers and plants.  He stated that the Community Center is using Bradley Architects to identify building problems that need to be tackled.  He also updated the Board on the various DPW projects.  KF thanked everyone involved in the car show.  He also stated that he wanted to assure everyone that the Board of Selectmen will comply with the Open Meeting Law, and in fact, will try to exceed what is required.

Nancy Armstrong thanked the Board for getting the rails at the library repaired.  She also asked if the jut-outs in the sidewalks on Housatonic Street were considered loading docks as she sees trucks parking on them quite often.  She also suggested that a police officer be located at the intersection near Shots Café as traffic often does not stop.  Finally, she mentioned that she had received a packet of information regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act and that she would like the Town to recreate a committee.  It was agreed that a meeting with the Town Manager, a Selectman, Bill Thornton and Nancy would be scheduled in the near future.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                              Clerk
                   Director of Administrative Services                    Board of Selectmen